Rocket Dock merupakan software untuk membuat tampilan dekstop lebih indah. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini, kita bisa membuat shortcut keren di dekstop.
Untuk lebih jelas, lihat beberapa penampakan di bawah ini :

1. Minimize windows to the dock
2. Real-time window previews in Vista
3. Running application indicators
4. Simple drag-n-drop interface
5. Multi-monitor support
6. Supports alpha-blended PNG and ICO icons
7. Icons zoom and transition smoothly
8. Auto-hide and Popup on mouse over
9. Positioning and layering options
10. Fully customizable
11. Completely Portable
12. ObjectDock Docklet support
13. Compatible with MobyDock, ObjectDock, RK Launcher, and Y'z Dock skins
14. Runs great on slower computers
15. Unicode compliant
16. Supports many languages and can easily be translated
17. A friendly user base
18. And best of all

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