We provide the best Registered Software with Serial Keys , Which are very useful to everyone you can download registered softwares from our website you can Download One time and Relax Life time.
Now we provide the best Urdu Writer Software with Registered Software.

Urdu Inpage 2011 With New Features  - Is the Best Software for Urdu writing and much more writings , Write on inpage and if you use the writing in Photoshop so exit on Image type or photoshop type when open that , that will open on Photoshop ,

Text Features
•    Outline Text
•    Automatic Kerning in Nastaliq text so as to remove extra interword space
    to give a calligrapher  style outlook to the text.
•    Automatic Kashida Insertion for arabic fonts
•    Spell Check for Urdu language
•    Word Count/Character Count for the selected text chain
•    Indexing and Table of Contents of English and Urdu Text
•    Wrap around of text around Circular objects
•    Paste Special
•    Rotation of text at any angle
•    Sorting of Urdu and English Text
•    Drag and Drop of Text
•    Additional Noori Nastaliq Bold Font ( to be given in 2.1 as free upgrade)
•    Additional Nastaliq font in Lahori Nastaliq

Object Features
•    Linking/Unlinking of Text boxes
•    Automatic lines between textbox columns
•    Round Textbox
•    Styles of Borders
•    Paste Special
•    Rotation of object at any angle
•    Polygon Tool
•    Rotation of Picture boxes and pictures
•    Grouping and Ungrouping of Objects
•    Complete support for OLE as a client
•    Complete support for InPage as an OLE server
    Picture Features
•    Brightness and Contrast Controls of Pictures
•    Mirror of Pictures
•    Centering of Pictures
•    Pictures Preview before opening them

Printing Features
•    CMYK Color Separation by exporting the page as CMYK EPS file.

Language Features
•    Support for Kashmiri, Pushtu and Hazargi Languages.

•    Multiple User Defined Keyboards
•    Support for CMYK colors
•    Automatic Backup of document files
•    Generation of more than one backup files
•    Many more border/line patterns
•    Complete support for inserting

 Step 1  : Install the program - Double click on "setup.exe".
 Step 1  : Do not launch the program. If launched then exit.
 Step 1  : Gofor Registered Open "HASP.reg".
 Step 1  : Run the program and enjoy.

 How To Download ?
Solution : First click on Download Button >> ,  wait 5 Second >> , after top on Right Side click on SKIP AD>> !
