12 Keyboard Shortcuts You Should be Know

Various keyboard with different models and different prices, but the core of the usefulness of a keyboard is the same, namely to perform data input in the form of the alphabet or numbers. in a function keyboard there are various ways that can make the computer easier to activities in which the Keyboard Shortcut. Once many keyboard shortcuts that have an important role in the activity of every day, but whose freesoft4dl discussed this time is 12 the most important keyboard shortcuts to be in the know.

Display keyboard button and the functions
Display keyboard button and the functions

This is 12 keyboard shortcut will be greatly help your productivity, reduce activities that should be done repeatedly.

Examples :

If You Want to Perform Copy A Text, What you do is just block of text you want to copy and then press Ctrl + C (quick and easy way)

Well in comparison with you have to move your hands after typing ago, block text using the mouse, then go to the "menu"> "File" then Copy, and then resume your activities with your hands back to the keyboard (Longer and inefficient)

12 Keyboard Shortcuts which should be know and if you you need to remember:

1. Ctrl + C or Ctrl + Insert (COPY)
Ctrl + C and Ctrl + Insert shortcut that is the same as I demonstrated above is useful to copy the text in the block or the selected object. but this is almost the same funsinya CUT (cut) Ctrl + X.

2. Ctrl + V or Shift + Insert (PASTE)

Ctrl + V and Shift + Insert Paste From useful for text or object that you've Copy.

3. Ctrl + Z and Ctrl + Y (Undo)

Cancel any changes and return to the previous. For example, you cut text from a long sentence, and you think again turns the text is important, By Pressing Ctrl + Z will return the text before it was interrupted. By Pressing Ctrl + Y will redo the undo several times.

4. Ctrl + F (Find the word)

Pressing Ctrl + F will open the Find in any program. on any Internet browser you can do, Example If you press Ctrl + F on this blog and write freesof4dl will take you to the text.

5. Alt + Tab or Ctrl + Tab (Shortcut Program)

Quickly to shift between open programs or browsers.
Example: Press Ctrl + Tab to switch between tabs in a program.
Example: Add the Shift key when pressing Alt + Tab or Ctrl + Tab will move in opposite directions.

Note : In Windows 7 and Windows Vista can also perform ShortcutWindows Key + Tab for the same thing as above

6. Ctrl + Backspace and Ctrl + Direction Left / Right (text block)

Pressing Ctrl + Backspace to delete a sentence that is just written as a whole.
Ctrl + left or right directional arrows will move the cursor from one word to another word quickly. If you want to block a quick word, Live Pressing Shift + Ctrl + Direction Right / Left.

7. Ctrl + S (Save)

When you are working on the task of school activities or office activities on a document or file in a program, do not forget to Save after a few minutes of work, or at any time, to be aware of things "that are not in want, the way you press Ctrl + S can be directly save the file quickly.

8. Ctrl + Home or Ctrl + End (shortcut way early and late)

When you Pressing Ctrl + Home will move the cursor to the beginning of the document that you are doing and Ctrl + End will move the cursor to the end of the document you are doing. These shortcuts can be done in a document, and on websites - internet website.

9. Ctrl + P (Print)

by pressing Ctrl + P you can do shortcuts for quick reprinting, even at this time if you press Ctrl + P you can print this page.

10. Page Up, spacing, and Page Down (Move Up and Down fastest )

Pressing the keyboard keys Page Up or Page Down will move the pages quickly. On When Browsing, if you press the space bar will move quickly to down..and page if you want to raise the yard from the bottom up directly Shift + Space

11. Ctrl + N (create New Folder)

By pressing Ctrl + N , you quickly add a new folder on a data quickly. without having to press the menu button File
And to give the Folder Name You only need to Selecting a folder and pressing F2

12.Windows + E (Open the Explorer)

By pressing the Windows key + E , will quickly open Windows Explorer guys.

Well this was 12 shortcuts or keyboard shortcuts through the most useful and most frequently used in everyday situations in the running computer.thanks for visit freesoft4dl ,
thank you for reading