If you are worried about the battery of your phone draining before the end of the day and you want to save it, here are some apps that can help you avoid the battery on your smartphone so that it runs that much longer.

1. Greenify

The first app in our list, which is considered to be the best in terms of helping you save battery life, is named as Greenify. What this app does is it lets you stop apps from opening in the background, which it identifies as opening too frequently. There are features inside the app, such as Aggressive Doze and Doze modes, which are known to complete stop apps from functioning unless and until they are opened. Now, this does help save battery, but it could also mean that you miss out on essential notifications since the apps need to run in the background to give you warnings.

2. Battery Doctor

The next best application available for Android, which does help you save battery life, is Battery Doctor. As far as Battery Doctor is concerned, it has an excellent user-friendly interface, and they also let you optimize based on app type so that you can tweak them individually. You also have multi-lingual support inside the app, and it currently supports 28 different languages. Battery Doctor also gives you features such as battery monitory, energy saver, and power-saving profiles that can be defined and scheduled automatically.

3. Avast Battery Saver

Avast Battery Saver is another application in our list of best battery-saving apps available on Android. Since the app is from a trusted developer such as Avast, which is known for security applications, it can be believed as well. There are features in the Avast Battery Saver app, which will let you save the battery on your device, such as a task killer, which is an advanced version of destroying apps that are already running. You also get a single master switch in the app, which will let you either turn on or off the battery saver as and when you need it. This app also includes a smart technology calculator to allow you to know exactly how much your battery left will run based on various factors.

4. GSam Battery Monitor

Next up in the list of best battery saving apps for Android is the GSam Battery Monitor, which does let you monitor your battery as well as identify the weak points and solve them. For this, you get a tool called App Sucker that shows your battery usage based on apps. You can also see CPU usage stats inside the app as well as CPU wake-locks, which shows you how many times your phone woke up by itself. The only problem with GSam Battery Monitor is that while you can see which apps are affecting your battery life, the app does not provide any way to kill it. Instead, you will have to identify and kill it.
5. AccuBattery

Last but not least, we have AccuBattery, which is yet-another battery saving app available for Android users. As far as features inside AccuBattery are concerned, it has a comprehensive dashboard that tells you how our battery life is getting affected based on individual apps as well as battery health information is also provided. You can get on-screen time, CPU and battery life status inside the app so you are aware of the things that might have affected your battery life and exactly how much your battery will last.

We have listed our favourite and most critical battery-saving apps available on Android, which will help you save the battery life on your phones. You can use any of these apps to try and see if your battery life improves. Still, we believe that either of the apps listed above will improve battery life performance on your device, and you will not have to worry about your phone’s juice draining out until the end of the day.